Quarterly West invites submissions of poetry, prose, and visual art—as well as hybrid/ genre-defying works—that explore the subject of “extreme” environments.
Especially of interest are environments that change or form humans (and vice versa) as we interact with them, as well as environments that test the limits of human perception, imagination, and endurance: environments that are “extreme” in scale or temperature; environments that are somehow ruptured, or fragmented, or “ruined”; deeply isolated environments; environments that cause significant physical or psychic pain when experienced; environments where extreme contrast churns and works.
There is a long, rich history of texts engaging with extreme environments—from the visions of hell portrayed in The Aeneid, The Odyssey, or Paradise Lost to the haunted silences of Emily Dickinson’s poetry. And extremity is not just a question of content, but form. We see this in the textual cuts and clotting of Diana Khoi Nguyen’s Ghost Of; the muscular hairpin turns of Terrance Hayes’s American Sonnets for My Past and Future Assassin; the rage-stricken lyric blocks of Anne Boyer’s memoir of cancer, The Undying. And with 3.6 billion people living in places vulnerable to hotter temperatures, crop failure, rising sea levels, worsening storms, increased sickness, poverty, and displacement, the question of what constitutes an “extreme” environment has perhaps never been more urgent (World Health Organization). Tsing et al write in Arts of Living on a Damaged Planet: “Suffering from the ills of another species... this is the condition of living in the Anthropocene, for humans and nonhumans alike” (M4). After all, surrounding environments have a way of making their way inside us: we can never really separate ourselves from the spaces we inhabit, just as they can never be entirely untangled from us. It is perhaps for this reason that language and imagination seem to pull ever toward the extreme.
And yet, as Tsing et al insist:
“Somehow, in the midst of ruins, we must maintain enough curiosity to notice the strange and wonderful as well as the terrible and terrifying… How shall we retain the productive horror of our civilization—and yet refuse its inevitability?” (M7; G4)
For poetry, please submit 1 - 3 poems. For prose, we generally publish work that is 6,000 words or fewer, but this word count is more a guideline than an absolute rule. We also publish flash prose that is 1,000 words or fewer.
We especially encourage submissions from BIPOC, LGBTQ, women, immigrant, disabled, and other underrepresented writers.
We're happy to accept simultaneous submissions, but please withdraw your work via Submittable immediately if it is accepted elsewhere.
Quarterly West acquires First North American Serial Rights for the work we publish. All rights revert back to the author upon publication. If your work is later republished, we request you note its initial publication in Quarterly West.
We ask that former contributors wait at least one year after publication before submitting new work to Quarterly West.
Don't forget to include your full address in the cover letter field for shipping.
Don't forget to include your full address in the cover letter field for shipping.
Don't forget to include your full address in the cover letter field for shipping.
Quarterly West is now accepting submissions that fall within or near to the un-pin-downable category of New Media, including but not limited to video, audio, visual/collage, and interactive multimedia pieces. Excite us. Enthrall us. Make us swoon. For an idea of what we like to publish, please visit our archives at https://www.quarterlywest.com/issues. No previously published work will be considered.
We especially encourage submissions from BIPOC, LGBTQ, women, immigrant, disabled, and underrepresented artists.
If you are submitting new media that cannot be sent through the submissions manager, send it to quarterlywest@gmail.com.
Quarterly West acquires First North American Serial Rights for the work we publish. All rights revert back to the author upon publication. If your work is later republished, we request you note its initial publication in Quarterly West.
We ask that former contributors wait at least one year after publication before submitting new work to Quarterly West.
Quarterly West accepts unsolicited reviews of poetry, fiction, and creative non-fiction. We're looking for reviews that engage with recently published books (generally, work published in the last year), and which run no longer than 1200 words. We especially encourage submissions from BIPOC, LGBTQIA+, women, immigrant, disabled, and underrepresented writers. To submit, please enclose a brief cover-letter about you, the reviewer, along with your review.
Don't forget to include your full address in the cover letter field for shipping.
Update: Because of Covid-19, chapbook orders may take longer than usual to ship out. Please know that we will ship out your order as soon as possible!
Don't forget to include your full address in the cover letter field for shipping.
Update: Because of Covid-19, chapbook orders may take longer than usual to ship out. Please know that we will ship out your order as soon as possible!
Don't forget to include your full address in the cover letter field for shipping.
Don't forget to include your full address in the cover letter field for shipping.
Update: Because of Covid-19, chapbook orders may take longer than usual to ship out. Please know that we will ship out your order as soon as possible!
Don't forget to include your full address in the cover letter field for shipping.
Update: Because of Covid-19, chapbook orders may take longer than usual to ship out. Please know that we will ship out your order as soon as possible!
Don't forget to include your full address in the cover letter field for shipping.
Update: Because of Covid-19, chapbook orders may take longer than usual to ship out. Please know that we will ship out your order as soon as possible!
Don't forget to include your full address in the cover letter field for shipping.
Update: Because of Covid-19, chapbook orders may take longer than usual to ship out. Please know that we will ship out your order as soon as possible!
Don't forget to include your full address in the cover letter field for shipping.
Update: Because of Covid-19, chapbook orders may take longer than usual to ship out. Please know that we will ship out your order as soon as possible!
Don't forget to include your full address in the cover letter field for shipping.
Update: Because of Covid-19, chapbook orders may take longer than usual to ship out. Please know that we will ship out your order as soon as possible!
Don't forget to include your full address in the cover letter field for shipping.
Update: Because of Covid-19, chapbook orders may take longer than usual to ship out. Please know that we will ship out your order as soon as possible!
Don't forget to include your full address in the cover letter field for shipping.
Update: Because of Covid-19, chapbook orders may take longer than usual to ship out. Please know that we will ship out your order as soon as possible!
Don't forget to include your full address in the cover letter field for shipping.
Update: Because of Covid-19, chapbook orders may take longer than usual to ship out. Please know that we will ship out your order as soon as possible!
Don't forget to include your full address in the cover letter field for shipping.
Update: Because of Covid-19, chapbook orders may take longer than usual to ship out. Please know that we will ship out your order as soon as possible!
Don't forget to include your full address in the cover letter field for shipping.
Update: Because of Covid-19, chapbook orders may take longer than usual to ship out. Please know that we will ship out your order as soon as possible!
Don't forget to include your full address in the cover letter field for shipping.
Update: Because of Covid-19, chapbook orders may take longer than usual to ship out. Please know that we will ship out your order as soon as possible!
Issue 38
Contributors: George Angel, Francois Camoin, Stig Dagerman, Sherrie Flick, Michael Blaine Guista, Tom Hazuka, Richard Kostelanetz, Peter Lasalle, Hal Moore, Rolf Nelson, Jan Ramjerdi, Bruce Holland Rogers, Steve Yarbrough, Lex Williford Laurie Blauner, Sharon Bryan, Eavan Boland, Christopher Buckley, Michael Cadnum, Billy Collins, Loretta Collins, Glover Davis, Catherine French, John Gardner, Ted Howard, T.R. Hummer, Russel Kesler, William Jollif, Steve Kronen, Timothy Liu, Matt Marinovich, Carolyn Miller, David Moolton, Chris Nealon, Gail Regier, Reginald Shepherd, Gary Short, Kirsten Smith, Ronny Someck, Dabney Stuart, Nance Van Winkel, Liliana Ursu, Brian Young
Issue 42
Contributors: Jennifer Alessi, Nick Barrett, Juda Bennett, D.C. Berry, Daniel Bourne, Kevin Bowen, Gay Brewer, Ami Sands Brodoff, Kurt Brown, Edward Byrne, Rita Ciresi, Fred Chappell, Katharine Coles, John M. Daniel, Glover Davis, Russell Edson, Sherrie Flick, Robin Boody Galguera, Robert Gibb, S. Gingrass, Diane Gurman, Barbara Hamby, Tom Hazuka, Brian Henry, Eric Horsting, Peter Johnson, George Kalamaras, Tim Keane, Jesse Lee Kercheval, David Lee, Diane Lefer, Timothy Liu, George Looney, Al Maginnes, Peter Markus, Cate Marvin, Beauvais McCaddon, Gwyn McVay, James Milner, Donald Moss, Nona Nimnicht, Jacqueline Osherow, Nick Papandreou, Daniel Pearlman, Jaime Sabines, Dixie Salazar, Neil Shepard, Floyd Skloot, Kathleen Snodgrass, Susan Sonde, Virginia Chase Sutton, Paul Swenson, Nance Van Winckel, Jason Waldrop, Ronald Wallace, Toni Lynn Whitfield, Ralph Wilson, Sam Witt
Issue 46
Contributors: David Baker, Cynthia Baughman, Ann Begley, Judith Bishop, Joe Bonomo, David Breskin, Christopher Buckley, Edward Byrne, Chauna Craig, Amy Gerstler, Albert Goldbarth, Alvin Greenberg, Brian Henry, Gabriel Hudson, Shelley Hunt, Peter Johnson, George Kalamaras, Paul Keller, Thomas E. Kennedy, Kim-An Lieberman, Alessandra Lynch, David Means, Frank Michel, Carolyn Miller, Adam Novy, Michele Pizarro, Kevin Prufer, Jody Rambo, Robyn Sarah, Reginald Shepherd, Vivian Shipley, Floyd Skloot, Lisa Russ Spaar, Susan Spilecki, Hugh Steinberg, Olen Steinhauer, Shirley Stephenson, May Swenson, Adrianna Szymanska, Paula Tatarunis, Jessica Treat, Reetika Vazirani, Daniel Villasenor, M.L. Williams, Mark Wunderlich, C. Dale Young, Andrew Zawacki
Issue 47
Contributors: Susan J. Allspaw, Jorge Carrera Andrade, T.J. Beitelman, Laurie Blauner, Steven Ford Brown, Christopher Buckley, Pamela Burdak, Rick Bursky, Elena Karina Byrne, Tina Chang, Mary Clyde, Wyn Cooper, Joseph Duemer, Alice Friman, Carol Frost, Dennis Fulgoni, Egito Goncalves, Ray Gonzalez, Lee Gould, Mary Hall, Jennifer Hancock, Erin Hanusa, Mary Heng, Bob Hicok, Janet Holmes, Susan Elizabeth Howe, Henry Israeli, Peter Jacobs, John Jenkinson, M.K. Johnson, Joy Katz, Lindsay Lauersdorf, Alexis Levitin, George Looney, Peter Markus, Dionisio D. Martinez, Khaled Mattawa, Kathleen McGookey, Marianne Milton, Mong-Lan, Julie Moulds, Alberto Rios, Andrew Sant, Patty Seyburn, Neil Shepard, Gary Soto, May Swenson, Rivka Swenson, Brian Teare, Nance Van Winckel, Timothy Westmoreland, Lex Williford, Terri Witek, Jane Yeh, Gary Young, Saadi Youssef
Issue 48
Contributors: Aaron Anstett, Seth Archer, Julianna Baggott, Lisa Baker, Jeanne Marie Beaumont, Josh Bell, Sally Bellerose, Allison Bennis, Daniel Blasi, Susan Brown, Christopher Buckley, Edward Byrne, Marcus Cafagna, Lawrence Coates, Patricia Cronin, Kendall Dunkelberg, Amy England, Franklin Fisher, Nick Foster, Tom Franklin, Cameron Gearen, Ted Genoways, Douglas Goetsch, Albert Goldbarth, Beckian Fritz Goldberg, Jessica Grant, Michael Guista, Jennifer Michael Hecht, Brian Henry, Andrew Hinton, Lisa Hirschfield, Gordon Lish, Paul Lisicky, Al Maginnes, Randall Mann, Joshua McKinney, Derek McKown, Sandra Meek, Chris Alan Miller, Elizabeth Seydel Morgan, Patricia Murphy, Edward Nobles, Jacqueline Osherow, Daniel Paley Ellison, Craig Pleasants, Robin Reagler, Josh Russell, Philip St. Clair, Floyd Skloot, Ann Snodgrass, Paul Snoek, Kristine Ann Somerville, Alison Umminger, Corinna Vallianatos, Jeanne Wagner, Charles Harper Webb, Eliot Kahlil Wilson, Karen Wolf, Robert L. York, Andrew Zawacki
Issue 49
Contributors: Gilbert Allen, George Angel, Patrick Armstrong, Enis Batur, David Breskin, C.J. Buchanan, Christopher Buckley, Uk Zenel Bicpapa, Christopher Chambers, Bruce Cohen, Matthew Cooperman, Jim Daniels, Tenaya Darlington, Christopher Davis, Patrick Donnelly, Drew Dunphy, George Eklund, Clifford Endres, M.K. Francisco, Russ Franklin, Ted Genoways, Allison Heim, Miguel Hernandez, Henry Israeli, Roy Jacobstein, Sally Keith, Lance Larsen, Jeffrey Levine, Timothy Liu, Luljeta Lleshanaku, Kathleen Lynch, Al Maginnes, Randall Mann, Malinda Markham, Tod Marshall, Derek McKown, Paula McLain, Constance Merritt, Jennifer Militello, Jeff Mock, Kirk Nesset, June Owens, Donald Platt, Bin Ramke, Len Roberts, Jane Satterfield, Selhan Savcigil, Qazim Sheme, Gary Short, Brian Simpson, Darrell Spencer, Sheila Squillante, Susan Steinberg, Virgil Suarez, Judith Taylor, Lissa Warren, Myles Weber, Katherine Whitcomb, Brenda Williams, Sam Witt, Allyson Wuerth, Matthew Zapruder, Andrena Zawinski
Issue 50
Contributors: Steve Adams, Deborah Ager, Rane Arroyo, Benjamin Balthaser, Bruce Beasley, David Berg-Seiter, Lillias Bever, Kristin Bock, Gaylord Brewer, Christpher Buckley, Rick Bursky, Rick Campbell, Michael Chitwood, Nicole Cuddeback, Mark Cunningham, Ashley Curtis, Christopher Davis, Oliver de la Paz, Fred Dings, Jamey Dunham, Jeff Encke, Patrick Michael Finn, Jon Fischer, Laurie Foos, Yahya Frederickson, Todd Fuller, Adamantia Garcia-Baltatzi, José Garcia, Frank X. Gaspar, Albert Goldbarth, Matthew Guenette, Mark Halliday, Brian Henry, Catherine Ryan Hyde, Benjamin Ivry, Kimberly Johnson, Alice Jones, George Kalamaras, Steve Kistulentz, Christine Boyka Kluge, Sharon Kraus, Adrie Kusserow, Gerry LaFemina, Robert Lee, Ann Claremont LeZotte, Amy Lingafelter, John Lundberg, Randall Mann, Dionisio D. Martinez, Hector A. Martinez, Derek McKown, Cass McNally, Robert McNamara, Elisabeth Murawski, Michael Neff, Debra Nystrom, Adrian Oktenberg, Ethan Paquin, Glen Pourciau, Beverly Rainbolt, Yannis Ritsos, Jay Rogoff, Ahila Sambamoorthy, Jeannine Savard, Paul Shore, Glori Simmons, Heidi Skurat, Deborah Sobeloff, Laura Stott, Judith Strasser, Mark Sullivan, Virginia Chase Sutton, Brian Teare, Robert Thomas, Jon Thompson, Russell Thorburn, Kristen Tracy, Ryan G. Van Cleeave, Liz Waldner, Thom Ward, Charles Harper Webb, Leonore Wilson, Amanza Yskamp, Martha Zweig
Issue 51
Contributors: Diane Ackerman, Gilbert Allen, Barry Ballard, Jim Barnes, Lisa Bickmore, One Buchanan, Christopher Buckley, Heather Burns, Melisa Cahnmann, Rob Carney, James Cervantes, Peter Cooley, Dana Curtis, Michael Czyzniejewski, Jennifer Rae Deam, Timothy Donnelly, Denise Duhamel, Eric P. Elshtain, Kathy Flann, Sarah Gambito, James Grinwis, Paul Guest, Bob Hicok, Tim Hohmann, David James, Jonathan Johnson, Tanya Larkin, Lance Larsen, David Dodd Lee, Jeffrey Levine, George Looney, Randall Mann, Jack Martin, Louise Mathias, Mong-Lan, Fanny Morweister, Robert Murdock, Bryan Narendorf, Kate Northrup, Thomas Paladino, Ethan A. Paquin, Charles Rafferty, Oliver Rice, Gustav A. Richar, David Roderick, John Rybicki, Dennis Saleh, Eva Saulitis, Lisa Sewell, Patty Seyburn, David Shields, Susan Sindall, William Jay Smith, Shelley Stenhouse, Lucien Stryk, Virgil Suarez, Nancy Takacs, Judith Taylor, Lisa Verigin, Miles Garett Watson, Stefi Weisburd, Jason Whitmarsh, C. Dale Young, William Young
Issue 52
Contributors: Ann Beckerman, S. Beth Bishop, Gaylord Brewer, Ioanna Carlsen, Hector Carreto, Cathy Colman, Rick Craig, Maureen Micus Crisick, Michael Cryer, Raphael Dagold, Brian Komei Dempster, Chard deNiord, Garrett Doherty, Lynn Domina, John Olivares Espinoza, Michael Farrell, Monique Semoné Ferrell, Michael Hansen, Henry Hart, Heidi Hart, David Hernandez, Ariana-Sophia Kartsonis, Ellen Kelley, Christine Boyka Kluge, Dale M. Kushner, Robin J. Lauzon, Naton Leslie, Alexander Long, Sarah Madsen, Al Maginnes, David Mason, Jennifer Militello, John Minczeski, Valerie Milner, Aimee Nezhukumatahil, Philip Nokilayev, Greg Ormson, Pamela Painter, J.A. Pak, Thomas Pfau, Nicole Quackenbush, Rush Rankin, Lee Ann Roripaugh, William Rudolph, Kira Salak, James Sallis, Mary Ann Samyn, Gary Scott, Rebecca Seiferle, Patty Seyburn, James Malone Smith, Kathleen Snodgrass, Katherine Soniat, Toby Sonneman, Gary Soto, Rabindra K. Swain, James Tate, César Vallejo, Ryan G. Van Cleave, Ken Waldman, Charles Harper Webb, Lydia Webster, Valerie Wohlfield
Issue 54
Contributors: John Aiello, Eugenio de Andrade, Jim Barnes, Eric Burger, Donna R. Charging, A.V. Christie, Steven Church, Kris Cohen, Thom Conroy, Jim Daniels, Laura Dave, Jason DeBoer, Fred Dings, Jeffrey Encke, Cathryn Essinger, Jennifer Farmer, Susan Goslee, Vidas Gvozdzius, Mark Halperin, Bob Hicok, David Ingle, Dan Kaplan, Lisa Kerr, Melissa Kwansy, Alexis Levitin, Timothy Liu, George Looney, Michael David Madonick, Mary Shay McGuire, Felicia Olivera, Lisa Pearson, Jay Prefontaine, Mitch Raney, Catherine Reynolds, Jana Richman, Benjamin Rosenbaum, Keith Scribner, Steven Sherrill, Scott Southwick, Hugh Steinberg, Brian Townsley, Thom Ward, Tommy Zurhellen
Issue 55
Contributors: Carrie Olivia Adams, Karen Anderson, Craig Arnold, Jeffery Bahr, Amy Benson, Christopher Buckley, Robin Davidson, Katie Ford, Margret Grebowicz, Paul Guest, Gordon Hammond, Brian Henry, James Hoch, Brady Johnson, Jesse Lee Kercheval, Roy Kesey, Gary Leising, Ewa Lipska, Gerald Majer, Randall Mann, Peter Markus, Susan Marshall, Kevin McFadden, Diane Mehta, Michael Mejia, Brenda Miller, Matthew Edmund Miller, Mary Morris, Robert Nazarene, Leah Nielsen, Jason Ott, Philip Pardi, Ava Justine Pawlak, Jean-Paul Pecqueur, Alison Pelegrin, Allan Peterson, Roger Pfingston, Nicole Louise Reid, James Robbins, Laura Roser, Emily Rosko, Jacquelyn Spangler, Myrna Stone, Russel Swensen, Anthony Tognazzini, Heather Cass White, Gary Young, Lee Upton
Issue 56
Contributors: Karen Ackland, Christopher Arigo, Erika Baxter, Christopher Chambers, Abigail A. Cloud, Cynie Cory, Dana Curtis, Lightsey Darst, Fred Dings, Robert Doggett, Joshua Dolezal, John Olivares Espinoza, Albert Goldbarth, Stacey Gottlieb, Eamon Grennan, Susan Grigsby, Carol Guerrero-Murphy, Lilace Mellin Guignard, Ian Haight, Scott Hightower, Kyong Hryou, Takamura Kotaro, Kelly Magee, Jack Martin, Theresa Martin, Lynne McMahon, Mina Nonaka, John Peters, Lia Purpura, Jennifer Rapaport, Paisley Rekdal, David Roderick, Jim Ruland, Natasha Sajé, Aaron Sanders, Shahan Sanossian, Tamara Kaye Sellman, R.T. Smith, Virgil Suarez, Alexandra Teague, Deb Olin Unferth, Margaret Walther, Eleanor Wilner, Antoine Wilson, Shantam Zohar
Issue 57
Contributors: Heidi Blitch, Hannah Bottomy, David Crouse, Elizabeth Ellison, Kate Gale, D.C. Gonzales-Prieto, Timothy Liu, Sarah Madsen, Kevin McIlvoy, Nadine Meyer, Mirabi, Ander Monson, Patrick Moran, Dan O’Brien, Aimee Parkinson, Jill Patterson, Robyn Sarah, Dan Sargent, G.C. Waldrep, Nicole Walker, Liza Wieland, Anne Pierson Wiese, Richard Wirick, Jake Adam York
Issue 58
Contributors: Sue Allison, David Axelrod, Deborah Bernhardt, Christopher Buckley, Mary Cappello, Stephen Cramer, Joanne Diaz, Mike Dockins, Susannah Joy Felts, Stephanie Harrison, Admiel Kosman, Peter LaSalle, Janice Levy, Frannie Lindsay, Ted Mathys, Dana Mackowiak, Rosemary McGuire, Varda Koch Ocker, Kurt S. Olsson, Ann Pancake, Nathan Parker, Donald Platt, Vincent Standley, Virgil Suarez, Marcela Sulak, Kyle Thompson, William T. Vandegrift Jr.
Issue 61
Contributors: Joan E. Bauer, Caren Beilin, Eduardo C. Corral, Timothy Erickson, Jeff Fallis, Michael George, David Hamilton, Stephanie Ivanoff, Lisa Kaufman, Chavawn Kelley, Stephanie King, Jesse Lichtenstein, Mary Ann LeFemina, Tara Mantel, Scott Mulrane, Jeffrey Oliver, William Olsen, Douglas Rice, Susan Rich, Carl Rosenstock, Carrie Shipers, Catherine Staples, Virgil Suarez, Kayoko Wakamatsu, G.C. Waldrep, Daneen Wardrop, Tara Warman, Charles Harper Webb, Mike White, Amy Wright
Issue 67
Contributors: Joe Aguilar, Michael Andreasen, Bipin Aurora, Amy Beeder, Ryan Bradford, Joseph J. Capista, Catherine Chung, George David Clark, Thomas Cook, Nick Courtwright, Christopher De-Weese, Valerie Due, Tarah Dunn, Justin Gardiner, Tara Goedjen, Angela Hamilton, Craig Hartglass, Angie Hogan, Jennifer A. Howard, Irene Keliher, Lynn Kilpatrick, Jacqueline Kolosov, Jason Labbe, Amy Letter, Jean A. McDonough, Sarah McKinnon, Sandra Meek, Trey Moody, Frances Justine Post, Ben Roberts, Rolli, Doug Sanders, Larissa Sporzluk, G.C. Waldrep, Tammy Walker, Ellen Wehle, Allison Benis White, Jordan Windholz, Margot Wizansky
Issue 68
Contributors: Rhiannon Allee, Katherine Lucas Anderson, Shane Ryan Bailey, Eric Bliman, Naomi Bloch, Trina Burke, Chuck Carlise, Ching-In Chen, Susan Comninos, Peter Covino, Denise Duhamel, Hannah Epstein, Robert Fernandez, Kristen Gleason, Arielle Greenberg, Jenny Hanning, Lilah Hegnauer, Robert James Hicks, Christopher Higgs, Jeremy B. Jones, Leonard Kelly, Richard Kostelanetz, Bovey Lee, Alex Lemon, Nate Liederbach, Patricia Lockwood, Jett McAlister, Aaron McCollough, Gary L. McDowell, Wm Meyer, Jo Page, Danny Pelletier, Amy Pence, Donika Ross, Joanna Ruocco, Stacia Saint Owens, Lisa D. Schmidt, Kaethe Schwehn, Lisa Gluskin Stonestreet, Brian Spears, Isaac Sullivan, Luke Sykora, Joshua Ware, David Welch, A Wolfe, Theodore Worozbyt
Issue 69
Contributors: Rebecca Aronson, Dan Beachy-Quick, Charles Bernstein, Guillermo Castro, Patricia Engel, Myron Ernst, Jared Harel, Jessica Hollander, Lucy Ives, Major Jackson, Lesley Jenike, Ariana-Sophia M. Kartsonis, Joy Katz, Dawna Kemper, Karen Kevorkian, Joanna Klink, Melissa Kwasny, Peter Larkin, Joel Long, Nathaniel Mackey, Michael Martinez, Jay MillAr, Kira Obolensky, Seth Sawyers, Eleni Sikelianos, Maya Sloan, Sarah Sweeney, Elizabeth Whitehead
Issue 70/71 (Quarterly West's last print issue)
Contributors: Leslie Adams, Jeff Alessandrelli, Karen Leona Anderson, Rae Armantrout, L.S. Asekoff, Jackson Bliss, Collin Bost, Ronda Broatch, Brian Brodeur, Ryan Call, Julie Carr, Susann Cokal, Weston Cutter, Todd Davis, Gabe Durham, Cornelius Eady, Elaine Equi, Katherine Factor, Mark W. Fry, Joanna Fuhrman, Adam Giannelli, Greg Gerke, Brenda Hillman, Jane Hirshfield, Colleen Hollister, Dave Housley, Joseph Lease, Ruth Lepson, Timothy Liu, Jennifer MacKenzie, Joseph Massey, Tasha Matsumoto, Steve McCaffery, Adam McOmber, Simone Muench, Alissa Nutting, Katharine Ogle, Srikanth Reddy, Phoebe Reeves, Joshua Rivkin, Matthew Salesses, Colette Sartor, Tara Williams, Theodore Worozbyt